Cultivated Capacity

So often the apostle Paul lays out spiritual direction in black and white. He was just that kind of guy - no beating around the bush - no time for that in his ministry. So when he summarizes that he is a "servant of the Gospel" in Colossians chapter one, I think, Yeah, he was an apostle, a missionary, an evangelist, he discipled other church leaders and pastored churches all over the place. He did serve the gospel. Go Paul! OK, now on to the next verse....

But wait. Every scripture is God-breathed and useful for rebuke, correction, instruction, and training in righteousness in our lives that we too (like Paul) may be made whole and equipped for every good work. Now think of the title roles in our lives. There are many. Wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, caretaker, neighbor, parishioner, employee, etc. How can we "serve the Gospel" through these positions God has placed us in?

Do all things as unto the Lord and not unto men and He will reward us as partakers of the inheritance (see Col. 3:23-24). To grow in this dimension of our existence adds richness and color to what could otherwise be deemed as common. Attend to the Gospel of grace in the creative capacities of your day, week, month, and year.