Get Used

Thanks to an awesome accountability connection with a friend, I've recently been reading through a few books of the bible repeatedly, namely Judges, 1st & 2nd Timothy, and Esther. Although there is so much to be gleaned on various topics, the compilation of these books have given me one main thing to consider... to get used by God.

In Judges there are several people (unlikely choices such as a mother, an ox herder, brave Gideon with a waning army, etc.) who God uses to bring deliverance to His beloved and restoration in their lives.

In 1st & 2nd Timothy, Timothy (a newer and unseasoned ministry guy) is lead step by step on how to let God use him to reach out to believers with truth, love and purpose.

In Esther, God uses a young Jewish girl to save her nation by giving her a platform before the king.

  1. God sets the stage.
  2. It's a matter of obedience to take that situation we're feeling led to act upon.
  3. Get used by God.

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